A free ebook offer from one of our main contributing writers, Mary Mageau. If this brief introduction to her book on trees intrigues you, please follow the link at the bottom of the text to obtain the actual ebook.


For The Love Of Trees

So many people love and enjoy trees. Dame Judi Dench has recently narrated a BBC documentary, “My Passion for Trees,” and Queen Elizabeth launched a landmark Commonwealth Canopy project. During the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in 2015, the Queen made her appeal to all 53 Commonwealth nations – to contribute areas of indigenous forests to be preserved in perpetuity. This aim will eventually link all Commonwealth countries in a canopy of sustainable forest conservation for future generations. Since then, 35 Commonwealth countries have dedicated forestry projects or are planting new forests. What a wonderful initiative this has become for the future benefit of all humanity!

For years I have studied, written about, and photographed numerous trees. Recently my short eBook, “For the Love of Trees,” has been published by naturewriting.com, one of the premier nature websites in the USA. Its editor has created a dedicated page wherein the book can be offered to a global audience. Click on this link: https://naturewriting.com/for-the-love-of-trees/ and scroll to the bottom of the page. Another link will open the PDF file that will allow you to read, download, or print my book. This is a free offer and I hope you will enjoy its contents.

Mary Mageau © 2019

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