Interconnections by Mary Mageau

Winter days are nearly over but what a relief they provided after our sweltering summer. Even in the warmer latitudes of Brisbane some of our trees are still showing beautiful autumnal shades of red, gold, and russet. When falling leaves cover the ground, simply picking up a leaf and enjoying it for its beauty can […]

Plan a Path by Fiona Taylor

We are very lucky here in Samford and its surrounds to live in a beautiful natural environment.  Posts on the community Facebook pages show serene sunsets, precious wildlife and daily life enjoying the trees, creeks and abundant space. Discussions that arise from some of these posts however, reveal how differently we as humans approach the […]

What kind of life could we enjoy? by Fiona Taylor

Royal Commissions into both the Banking and Aged Care sectors have and continue to reveal horrifying abuses in the name of profit. My question is; Why are we surprised? Dr Clair Brown, Professor of Economics at the University of California reminds us that western economics is based upon the belief that all people seek to […]

Fiona’s Musings on National Identity

As confusing as individual identity may seem, imagine a country full of individuals all with their own ideas on how they belong together. What does it mean to be Australian? Is it a representation of our shared history, a reflection of our culture and values, a product of our lives lived in a dramatic environment […]

Am I An Island? by Fiona Taylor

Ever had a friend tell you that they were taking time out “to find themselves” and you mused to yourself that you didn’t know they were lost? Many people would consider this a self-indulgent waste of time but I would suggest that it is merely misdirected examination. People can often feel ‘lost’ when they stop […]

Philosophising by Fiona Taylor

Is philosophy something that self-indulgent academics waste time on in their ivory tower or is it still relevant in the 21st century? Philosophy literally means “love of wisdom” but what does that mean in real terms.  Is it the eternal search for the ultimate truth or is it just learning critical thinking skills or debating […]

Chinglish – China’s Most Beautiful Creation

One of the best things about living in China is the daily experience of being confronted by the most creative version of English ever, anywhere and anyhow.    Known affectionately to all expats living in China as Chinglish (Chinese/English), this is an art form that the Chinese government with typical governmental lack of humour wants […]

The Lengths We Will Go To For Our Books

Here is another collection of quotes that demonstrate how odd our reactions to books may be and how funny (sometimes in a left-handed sort or a way) they can be too.   As before, read on…..  Libraries may be hallowed repositories of scholarship and erudition, but ever since Aristotle first began amassing papyrus scrolls, they […]

Importance Of Books In Our Lives – Sundry Thoughts On This Topic

Over the years, many people have commented on the importance of books in their lives, so I thought it might be fun to gather some of the better quotes on this topic together for your pleasure, amusement and thoughts…. Read on………………… “Free time is a terrible thing to waste. Read a book.” ― E.A. Bucchianeri “To […]

Riding Camels In The Taklmakan Desert

Riding camels in which desert I hear you ask?   Well, it is in China and is one of the largest deserts in the world, but not known outside China for some reason. We had decided to go wandering on our own (my wife Lotty, and I) during our summer break from our work in Beijing. […]