As of July 2023, the library finally achieved a very special goal of having all the Keepers (main collection of books) housed in one place. The Keepers are together for the first time in almost three years of the Library being homeless. At this stage the Keepers are yet to be unpacked and shelved and will be accessible to financial members only while the containers remain on private property.
A continued fund raising effort including selling excess books, puzzles, games and bric a brac – all donated, as well as catering to some events meant the small Library crew raised over $28,000, which enabled the purchase and installation of specially refurbished 40’ shipping containers.
The decision to purchase the containers came after six “pack n move, unpack, pack n move” moves of the nine tonnes of books comprising the Keepers. Each move was achieved thanks to a small group of dedicated CLS volunteers.
A homeless Library has not meant the end – a big orange trailer in the shape of a Wild West wagon was purchased thanks to grant monies. The wagon carries on board over one tonne of fiction and non-fiction books for all ages, children’s toys, as well as jigsaw puzzles and games for all ages.
Events are held from time to time to keep the Library profile visible such as the Saturday Trailer Sales. Events are advertised on My Community Directory and Samford & Districts Progress & Protection Assn events page.
Updates are also always posted on Community Library Samford fb page and website. Despite being homeless, the base number of volunteers has continued to grow and new members enroll as members of the public see the dedication and resilience of the group.
The big vision is to acquire land and build an eco-friendly self-sustainable building incorporating the nine tonnes of books being the Keepers, along with Art & craft and Performing Arts (theatre, music etc) for a low cost/no cost figure.