As CLS seven year old A3 Brother printer had begun to develop quirky habits and the external hard drives had started to show faults when checked by a computer technician, their life cycle was obviously coming to an end.
Fortunately, the City of Moreton Bay had recently opened a new round of Local Community Support Grants.
CLS duly submitted an application for a grant in July. Imagine the surprise, when a call was received from Cr Darren Grimwade advising the grant application had been successful.
Yesterday 20th September, one new A3 Printer and three new Seagate 2TB external hard drives were delivered to the CLS office.
Outcome? Printing problems are over.

Let’s hope this new Brother printer (equivalent model to the old) will live up to expectations and also stay reliable to seven years old!
External drives are great for our volunteers who choose to use their own computers. All CLS documents, photos etc can be stored externally and the drive handed over, if a volunteer decided to resign. Simply hand over the drive! Data is also stored in the cloud.
2TB will take some filling!.