Despite a very short marketing frame of two weeks, the two day book sale was a great success.
Many thanks go to David Reed of Samford Scouts in helping ensure the event was a great success. Thankfully the weather held up until the end of Sunday, despite clouds showing every intention of dropping rain bursts.
Thank you also to the Samford State School for supporting the event , along with all those kind souls who donated beautiful books. Many of these books have been kept for addition into the “Keepers” collection.
To save moving the heavy non-fiction books around, the four metre trailer with canopy was used to house most of these books. Four tables of fiction books were strategically placed just outside the back doors of the Scout Den. Inside the Scout Den, the floor was jam packed with Children’s books, toys, jigsaw puzzles and games (for all ages) as well as a lovely selection of home baking and preserves and a little Bric a Brac.
Eight wonderful children from both Samford State School and Ferny Grove State School came along to help out over the weekend. Thank you to Ellen, Izzy 1, Izzy 2, Elva, Evey, Georgie, Stanley and Hayden. You were all a credit to both your school and your relative families.
These children are volunteers of the future.
Many thanks must also go to Megan, Marie-Ann, Ray, Yvonne, Janette, Evelyn and Linda for helping out, including the biggest logistical efforts involved in setting up and packing up.
Packing up involved a little cheating, with everything except for tables and Children’s books (being collected on Monday) being packed into the wonderful expansiveness of the trailer.
Flattening empty boxes at the end of the day was such a hugely satisfying feeling in knowing sales had gone well. Even with extra stocks being brought in on Sunday, the weekend ended with much less stock to pack up than at the beginning of the sale on Saturday.