Little Libraries
What is a Little Library? Little Libraries are small waterproof spaces you provide, in any shape or size, to hold books. Old Microwaves are ideal for this, but your imagination can come up with some other suitable container. They’re positioned so people can safely access them from the street. However, they cannot be placed on […]
CHEESE PLEASE – By Mary Mageau
© Mary Mageau Another short piece from Mary Mageau – one of our best and most regular contributors – all about a simple day out. CHEESE PLEASE. A bright morning promised a warm, sunny day – we both needed a break – so what could be better than to head off in the car for […]
A Hold-Up. By Mary Mageau.
A Hold-Up A beautiful autumn morning greeted four passengers as they waited near their Cobb & Co coach. It was a new model, pulled by a team of four powerful horses. ‘Good morning folks,’ the driver summoned the waiting group toward him. ‘Bring your baggage forward for Jess to stow on the roof rack. […]
Elephant Heaven – By Margie Riley
Margie Riley, has just had the most amazing present from her son – and I really do mean amazing! You can read all about it in her account of this most incredible present she received in which a number of family memories were raised and then a visit to an elephant sanctuary to finish it […]
A Review Of Isabel Allende’s “The Japanese Lover”
Our resident book reviewer (Angela Galvin) has just given us several book reviews, so the start the ball rolling, here is the first of them. The Japanese Lover, By Isabel Allende – A Review I spent a lot of my adult years not reading anything written by women because the stuff I had read lacked […]
The Bunya Pine, By Richard Carroll
The Bunya Pine Before the arrival of the white colonists, the bunya pine was of significant importance to the Aboriginal people of South-East Queensland. Despite its name, the bunya pine (Araucaria bidwilli) is a conifer and not a true pine. The genus name Araucaria has its origins in the word Arauco, an area in Southern […]
Landscapes Remembered – A Short Story By Mary Mageau
Mary Mageau, one of our most productive contributors has ventured into a completely new area in the following story – she has tried the paranormal for the first time, and if this story is anything to go by, then she has found one of her many strengths – Read on and you shall see. Landscapes […]
Vanity Fair – Book Review By Angela Galvin.
Our resident book reviewer – Angela Galvin, has just given us a review of an old, but much loved book, Vanity Fair by the splendidly named author, William Makepeace Thackeray. Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray Spurred on by the recent miniseries of this book I decided to read it again after many, many years. […]
A Welcome Stranger – By Richard Carroll
The straps of my backpack dug hard into my shoulders as I trudged zombie-like in the sweltering heat. I was hitch-hiking across the island of Crete and had been dropped off in a small village miles from anywhere. A number of houses and sheds nestled the main road, but motorists hardly seemed to notice their […]
The Theft of the Caledonia – 1831 Moreton Bay Penal Colony – By Richard Carroll
The news that convicts had seized a schooner and escaped swept through the settlement to reach convict Sean Kelly’s ears in the hospital where Dr Cowper had come to treat the Irishman’s freshly-flogged back. Fellow inmates had informed Sean that Commandant Clunie was a strict disciplinarian albeit not to the point of Logan, and circumstances […]