Elephant Heaven – By Margie Riley
Margie Riley, has just had the most amazing present from her son – and I really do mean amazing! You can read all about it in her account of this most incredible present she received in which a number of family memories were raised and then a visit to an elephant sanctuary to finish it […]
My favourite author, Sebastian Faulks. Margie Riley.
An adored aunt, an avid reader, recommended Birdsong to me; my copy was printed in 1994. Once I had read it (and I’ve re-read a number of times) I was hooked. The only one of Faulks’ books I haven’t enjoyed as much as the others is Girl at the Lion D’Or; I seem to remember […]
Samsonvale Cemetery, By Margie Riley
Here we have an odd one, a peaceful and gentle reflection on a cemetery, of all things. As one who knows this cemetery very well I understand exactly why Margie is so taken with it, and I can absolutely recommend you to visit it yourself. Samsonvale Cemetery – Reflections Yesterday, an overcast grey day, I visited […]