Community Library Samford is facing its biggest challenge to date. Will we have to close for a year or can we find a space to keep our funky community library going? So that the much-longed-for Samford Community Hub can be built, we must move 600 plus boxes of books, all our shelving, everything our lovely community has kindly given us over the years out of the Blue Building and our storage shed on the old CSIRO site by the end of May. Saddest of all is moving our lovely groups who have made the library so welcoming and lively.
Our heartfelt thanks go to the Samford and District Progress and Protection Association who gave us a grant to buy 600 sturdy boxes and miles of tape to pack our collection. At this stage we don’t know what our temporary situation will be. We have asked many organizations if we may share their space but those of you who know Samford will appreciate how well-used and scarce space is. As yet we have not found a place where we can operate until the new facility is built. A lovely lady has offered us storage at Cedar Creek for the duration but we cannot work from there. We have made a commitment to keep our groups running, backed by Councillor Grimwade who has promised some financial support to help cover some of the rental cost of a suitable space.
There are some options we are still investigating but in the week of May 15, we must decide where we will go and what we can do.
IF YOU KNOW OF ANY SPACE WE CAN OPERATE FROM, TO KEEP THE LIBRARY GOING, PLEASE CONTACT Julie on 0426719511 (text is best due to poor reception) or email communitylibrarysamford@gmail.com.